New Extracts And Flavors For The New Baking Season


Vanilla Bean Tattoos

You might be wondering why a vanilla bean would get a tattoo. And who would have the patience to apply one to thousands of vanilla beans?

Many, if not most, vanilla beans are grown in impoverished communities around the world. A few years ago, vanilla beans became more expensive than silver, and with it, a black market grew. Whole villages would come out to harvest only to find their entire crop stolen, harvested in the night. These farms, often owned by the members of the village, would be financially devastated.  

The thieves would then sell the beans at road side stands. They are looking for a quick buck and would not cure the beans properly, resulting in people getting sick from mold and other nasty infestations.

Farmers decided to brand their beans, and in doing so gave the local police a way to spot stolen beans. This does not prevent all theft but it does help. 

This theft is also why Fair Trade beans are so important. We are insuring healthy quality beans, fair wages for the farming communities, and bypassing any chance of giving the "bad guys" a pay day.