New Extracts And Flavors For The New Baking Season


Ceylon Cinnamon Spotlight:

There are a variety of species sold as cinnamon in the grocery store, but only Ceylon is considered true cinnamon. Ceylon quills are rolled and are lighter brown in color than what many are used to seeing. They are fragile and fragrant. Ceylon cinnamon quills do not have the spicy bite of Cassia cinnamon, but still have a deep cinnamon flavor with wonderful floral notes. 

This is the same cinnamon we use in our sugar blend. It makes a divine French toast. Sprinkle some on your latte, or add it to your spiced cider. The rich and multifaceted flavor of Ceylon cinnamon will bring that extra something special to everything you add it to.

Tip: Use in the same ratio as you would any other cinnamon.